Tuesday, June 5, 2007


This whole Tomgirlz thing started a couple years ago. I called myself a tomboy because I thought it was a way cooler thing to be than a girlie girl. I'm SO not a girlie girl. Anyway, my mom went crazy 'cause she looked up the word tomboy in the dictionary and it was there. It means a girl who is boy-like! She said I'm SO not a tomboy. She didn't really understand why I had to call myself anything at all, but I explained to her that all girls in elementary school use some kind of label. It's cool! Then she made up a new word just for me and my friends...TOMGIRLZ. She said that means a girl who is strong and competitive, might like skirts and dresses... or not, but even if she's in a skirt she can still jump in puddles, catch bugs, and climb fences. She can participate in any sports or dance she wants, be smart, be cool, BE HERSELF... and always fit in. She says we are all great just the way we are whether we do things the same or we do things different. AWESOME! My friends loved this. Now we are all TOMGIRLZ and we welcome you too!!

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