Saturday, June 23, 2007

Nancy Drew Is Definitely One Of Our Tomgirlz

Did you see Nancy Drew yet? My Mom took me the other day and it was awesome. If you didn't see it yet, you definitely should. My Mom loved it too! We talked about it over dinner after the show and decided she's definitely TOMGIRLZ material! She dresses the way she wants, is definitely competitive, strong, courageous, and SMART! Most important, Nancy Drew is never mean to others...even if they appear to be mean to her. Those girls at her new school were bullies to her, but she never let that stop her from being herself and doing what she felt had to get done. In fact, even though they bullied her at the start, she was always nice to them. And the bully girl's brother... even though he was young, overweight, and nerdy, she accepted him for who he was and they became true friends. Nancy Drew gets drawn into her dangerous adventures for the purpose of helping others. That's awesome!! That's Tomgirlz! I'm a new Nancy Drew fan.

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