Monday, December 31, 2007

DO YEAR 2008!

There are a lot of plans for the TOMGIRLZ in 2008. Here's just a couple of things you can expect to see....

1. Yes! There will be more books added to the chapter book series! The 6th book has been started and introduces a new character named Abigail. Unfortunately, there are still some not so kind kidz in the world and they call her "flabby Abbey". Yes, Abbey suffers from obesity, but she is still a person and Mackey and the TOMGIRLZ take Abbey under their wings. Through this funny story, the girls learn about exercise and nutrition, the serious issue of childhood obesity, and once again demonstrate the spirit of friendship.

2. I would like periodically to choose a real life Tomgirl (sometimes child, sometimes adult) and feature her on my blog! I am very excited about this because there are many wonderful girls (and women) out there with true TOMGIRLZ spirit and I can't wait to recognize them. Look for headings titled TOMGIRLZ TOO!

If you have any of your own ideas to improve this blog for all of us, please share! I'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Thanks for everyone who visited the TOMGIRLZ booth and author Dana Lurie at the 2007 Miami Book Fair!

Friday, November 16, 2007

I'm In Two New Books

Hey Kids! Sorry I haven't written in a while. I've been busy working on these new books for the Miami Book Fair.

In the first book, TOMGIRLZ TALENT TROUBLES, my friends and I are in a school talent competition. I want to win soooo bad, but I still see it as a great learning opportunity. I meet a new friend in this book. Her name is Andee and she dances SALSA with her brother Drew. They are such amazing dancers that it makes me want to learn salsa too! And guess what? Andee is a great teacher!

In TOMGIRLZ A, B, SEA! my mom wins 15 tickets to a cruise. That's awesome! Unfortunately, we are short one ticket for Keekee. No Keekee? No way! The rest of my friends and I decide to have a bake sale and buy the ticket for Keekee. That's where all the fun begins!

I hope you enjoy my stories,

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I Just Created Mush Cup Cookies!

My fifth book is currently underway and is once again all about me and my TOMGIRL friends. Yes, we do find trouble and make messes as usual, but that's really not on purpose. In this book, "Tomgirlz A...B...Sea", we are all going on a cruise that my mom won tickets for. Unfortunately, there is no ticket for Keekee. Well, we can't bear to see someone get left out. So...we decide to have a bake sale and earn enough money to buy the ticket.

In the process, I created a new twist on the chocolate chip cookie called mush cups that everyone is going crazy for! I think they will make this bake sale a real success.

Monday, July 9, 2007


Have you checked out my website? I just got a cool new link that goes to my favorite game. I change my mind all the time about which game is my favorite, so it will change often on the site too. Right now the game is Monkey Lander. I don't know why, but that cute little monkey keeps me playing for hours. If you want to try it, go to my site at If you scroll down the page, you will see a link to my favorite games! Have fun!!!

Monday, July 2, 2007


I love face paint. The only thing I don't like about it is when you have to wait in line, but sometimes that means the artist doing the face paint takes more time with each kid and can do really cool things. Here is a sample of a really cool face paint idea... JACK SPARROW! Have the artist make eyes down your face and on top of your eyelids. People will really stop and stare!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Nancy Drew Is Definitely One Of Our Tomgirlz

Did you see Nancy Drew yet? My Mom took me the other day and it was awesome. If you didn't see it yet, you definitely should. My Mom loved it too! We talked about it over dinner after the show and decided she's definitely TOMGIRLZ material! She dresses the way she wants, is definitely competitive, strong, courageous, and SMART! Most important, Nancy Drew is never mean to others...even if they appear to be mean to her. Those girls at her new school were bullies to her, but she never let that stop her from being herself and doing what she felt had to get done. In fact, even though they bullied her at the start, she was always nice to them. And the bully girl's brother... even though he was young, overweight, and nerdy, she accepted him for who he was and they became true friends. Nancy Drew gets drawn into her dangerous adventures for the purpose of helping others. That's awesome!! That's Tomgirlz! I'm a new Nancy Drew fan.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Tomgirlz Inspiration

In case you were is the real life inspiration for Mackey Mack and Jeremy

Saturday, June 16, 2007

A Day With Mom

Today was awesome! My brother Jeremy is still in New York, but my mom decided not to do any work and made the whole day just for me! We packed up a lunch and went to the beach. At the beach we went swimming for a while and then we went for a long walk to look for shells. I don't really look for shells anymore. I like to find smooth, colorful rocks and pieces of sea glass. Sea glass is so cool! It's hard to find, so when I got two pieces I was really excited. Then we went home and did crafts with our rocks and shells. After all that we went out to the movies and then got ice cream which melted before I could eat it all and messed up the back seat of the car and the back seat of my pants! It was the best Mom and Mackey day... thanks Mom!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I Actually MISS My Brother... For REAL!

My brother went to New York last week to vistit our grandparents in upstate New York. I wanted to go too, but he's going for six whole weeks. I have too many commitments to my dance company and gymanstics team which means I can't miss so much practice, so I couldn't go. Mom made me feel better, though, by pointing out that I'll have the entire house and two parents just for me! No Jeremy to bother me in the morning, take my things, or hog the TV. Well that sounded just awesome, but guess what? I MISS HIM! No Jeremy to jump on in the morning, grab whatever he's playing with out of his hands, or get into trouble just for the fun of it. And you know what else? I don't even like to watch TV... this is gonna be the longest 6 weeks of my life!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


This whole Tomgirlz thing started a couple years ago. I called myself a tomboy because I thought it was a way cooler thing to be than a girlie girl. I'm SO not a girlie girl. Anyway, my mom went crazy 'cause she looked up the word tomboy in the dictionary and it was there. It means a girl who is boy-like! She said I'm SO not a tomboy. She didn't really understand why I had to call myself anything at all, but I explained to her that all girls in elementary school use some kind of label. It's cool! Then she made up a new word just for me and my friends...TOMGIRLZ. She said that means a girl who is strong and competitive, might like skirts and dresses... or not, but even if she's in a skirt she can still jump in puddles, catch bugs, and climb fences. She can participate in any sports or dance she wants, be smart, be cool, BE HERSELF... and always fit in. She says we are all great just the way we are whether we do things the same or we do things different. AWESOME! My friends loved this. Now we are all TOMGIRLZ and we welcome you too!!